How to Choose the Right RTA Kitchen Cabinets for Your Style

RTA cabinets are becoming increasingly popular, but choosing the right ones for your space is important. Choosing the wrong ones can make your kitchen or bathroom look dated and ugly.

Creativity is the key when selecting a kitchen cabinet design. It should reflect the personality of the people who live in the home.


The color of your cabinets plays a huge role in your kitchen’s overall look and feel. They should match the colors of your floors, walls, and other decorations to create a unified, cohesive look. Neutral and muted shades are usually favored, as they’re easy to complement with different colors and will stand the test of time.

Natural wood tones are also very popular for kitchen cabinetry. Their light color makes them look clean and inviting, and their texture adds visual interest to the room.

When choosing the right color, place color samples in your kitchen and see how they look at different times of day and under varying lighting conditions. This will help you avoid buying a set that doesn’t work in your space. Additionally, be sure to choose a retailer that provides excellent customer service. The last thing you want is to spend money on a product you return.


A cabinet’s color and finish can greatly affect your kitchen’s appearance. Choosing neutral and muted colors can create a unified theme throughout your kitchen, while bolder shades can stand out independently. Also, consider the cabinet’s material – glossy finishes can make your cabinets look brighter and more vibrant, while matte finishes provide a richer, more sophisticated look.

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Another consideration when choosing RTA cabinets is their durability. High-quality materials and construction mean your cabinets will last for years.

It’s important to decide your non-negotiables before you start looking at options. That way, you can narrow your selection quickly and avoid spending time on opportunities that don’t fit your needs. This also helps you stay within budget since a full-scale kitchen renovation can be expensive. If you choose the right cabinets, you can end up with a beautiful and functional space that you’ll enjoy for years.


When shopping for cabinets, consider the hardware available. There are many styles and designs, so select a type that fits your kitchen’s overall strategy. This includes everything from the cabinet overlay to the knobs and handles. The right hardware will make your kitchen look great and tie together all of the elements of your space.

It’s also important to know that rta cabinets Austin are usually cheaper than pre-assembled ones and don’t require the same level of skill to put together. In addition, they offer the convenience of being shipped directly to your home and can be stored until you are ready to install them. The instructions for your cabinets should be easy to follow and include URL links or QR codes for online videos showing how to assemble them. This will ensure you can make your cabinets quickly and easily. Then, you can get started with the rest of your kitchen remodel.


It is important to consider the layout of your kitchen cabinets Austin, when selecting them. This will help ensure they fit your room and match your existing furnishings. It will also make it easier for you to install the cabinets. Measure the area where you want to place them carefully and measure more than once to avoid getting measurements wrong. When estimating, you should also factor in the doors and windows trim.

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Lastly, look at the extra features available with your cabinet line. This may include filler strips, vertical dividers, and corner storage. These additional features can make your cabinets more functional and comfortable to use.

As a buyer of RTA cabinets, you must consider many factors before deciding. Be sure to know your non-negotiables and don’t stray from them. This will ensure that you end up with quality cabinets that will be a long-term addition to your home.